Sunday, June 23, 2013

Lifestyle BDSM and Me:

Lifestyle BDSM and Me: 

The term lifestyle is thrown around a lot and people get confused with it, some people think it is a heavy 24/7 protocol commitment, some people may think it is this big poly house with a bunch of servants and Dommes who control them (A hot idea for sure).  Now some people live this way, I don’t; I am lifestyle because I do have personal full time servants (who do not live with Me) who serve Me at My whim.  I also have a personal partner who I share this with.  I obviously am not walking around with a whip in thigh high boots all day; no matter how hot that idea is it is not realistic. 

With that said. 

I give to My local BDSM community when I can, I do what I can for the BDSM community by participating, teaching & helping when I can.
The lifestyle to Me means that this is a part of who I am, I feel this is not something I can just do a few times or just every now and then, it is a part of who I am genetically, I am wired this way and I love it. 
One thing I like to tell people is that being Dominant to Me does not entitle Me to be rude, angry or hateful, that is NOT My style.  I am demanding, sensual, spoiled and am VERY firm.  Do I get bitchy sometimes? Sure do, but I am not going to “act” bitchy to fit some stereo-type persona to get your dick hard.  Good manners are important to Me; good manners represent class and sophistication and though I may have a potty mouth at times, I most certainly believe in maintaining good manners and expect the same of My submissives. 

your Superior, 
Mistress Tiffany 

At the end of the day I am just Me. 

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