Sunday, November 9, 2014

Professional Dominatrix just for the cash?

I had someone personally write to Me on a BDSM website who complimented My sincerity and profile, but they added that they do not believe in seeing Pro-Dommes who are just seeking to get paid or for the money.

With that this is how I feel....

Sure being a professional Dominatrix is a job, but not something I do just because I get paid,

A Doctor may choose to be a Doctor because she sincerely wants to help people and a Veterinarian because they want to care for animals, I do what I do for a purpose; WITH a purpose and I love it and know I offer a sincere service to those who seek out experience, sincerity and someone who understands them.

It is ashamed that some Woman think they can just grab a whip, take a photo and call themselves a Pro-Domme,  Domination takes a lot of studying, practice and patience.  I have earned My place, My title and I absolutely love being a Dominatrix and I hope that My eagerness and sincerity show people out there that REAL professional Dominatrices do exist.

On your Knees!
Mistress Tiffany

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