Sunday, November 9, 2014

Help for Dominatrix Coral Korrupt.

Posted in My Pro-Domme Network group on Fet Life by Michelle Lacy.

My Dominatrix friend Coral Korrupt has been battling uterine cancer since May.
She has had a lot of ups and downs, gone through surgery, chemo and internal radiation. Throughout this time, this strong and independent woman has not asked anyone for anything.
Unfortunately, with bad scan results, she now has to go through another round of chemo which will be a high dose and its going to make her quite ill, way worse than before.
As many of you know, we do not get sick pay. We do not get paid vacations. Still we have bills to pay. A lot of her close friends have given her a hand and this strong woman has managed to stay afloat but things are changing now.
Her medical costs are rising and remember this girl still has to take care of herself and keep a roof over herself without working.
If you can donate in any way you can, it would greatly help.
If any of you do not know Coral and are skeptical of the campaign, yes, this is her real page. Look her up and ask her and she will confirm it. And I myself have taken her to appointments and seen her ill. She really needs your help.

For those who can help please do, even if you can only help a little bit, anything can help her.

Thank you,
Mistress Tiffany

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