Sunday, November 9, 2014

Professional Dominatrix just for the cash?

I had someone personally write to Me on a BDSM website who complimented My sincerity and profile, but they added that they do not believe in seeing Pro-Dommes who are just seeking to get paid or for the money.

With that this is how I feel....

Sure being a professional Dominatrix is a job, but not something I do just because I get paid,

A Doctor may choose to be a Doctor because she sincerely wants to help people and a Veterinarian because they want to care for animals, I do what I do for a purpose; WITH a purpose and I love it and know I offer a sincere service to those who seek out experience, sincerity and someone who understands them.

It is ashamed that some Woman think they can just grab a whip, take a photo and call themselves a Pro-Domme,  Domination takes a lot of studying, practice and patience.  I have earned My place, My title and I absolutely love being a Dominatrix and I hope that My eagerness and sincerity show people out there that REAL professional Dominatrices do exist.

On your Knees!
Mistress Tiffany

Help for Dominatrix Coral Korrupt.

Posted in My Pro-Domme Network group on Fet Life by Michelle Lacy.

My Dominatrix friend Coral Korrupt has been battling uterine cancer since May.
She has had a lot of ups and downs, gone through surgery, chemo and internal radiation. Throughout this time, this strong and independent woman has not asked anyone for anything.
Unfortunately, with bad scan results, she now has to go through another round of chemo which will be a high dose and its going to make her quite ill, way worse than before.
As many of you know, we do not get sick pay. We do not get paid vacations. Still we have bills to pay. A lot of her close friends have given her a hand and this strong woman has managed to stay afloat but things are changing now.
Her medical costs are rising and remember this girl still has to take care of herself and keep a roof over herself without working.
If you can donate in any way you can, it would greatly help.
If any of you do not know Coral and are skeptical of the campaign, yes, this is her real page. Look her up and ask her and she will confirm it. And I myself have taken her to appointments and seen her ill. She really needs your help.

For those who can help please do, even if you can only help a little bit, anything can help her.

Thank you,
Mistress Tiffany

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Training with Miss Lea and Lady Kathryn.

So what can I say other then I have been super busy, between My personal life and My business life I have been on GO for awhile, but hey I am NOT complaining it is a good kind of busy, you know the kind I am talking about, where it is almost overwhelming but productive?  Yea that's where I am at, a good kind of busy.

So I have had the opportunity to be training with Miss Lea and Lady Kathryn and I have to say it has been a blast.  On Halloween we had a very lucky and devoted victim, who survived almost three hours of torment and teasing.  I found Myself laughing as I was guiding these young Ladies through serious medical scenarios.....

To simple bondage and use of equipment.....

To us laughing so hard when Lady Kathryn decided to use the fella as a toilet and her really needing to relieve herself on him for her amusement.....
Which reminds Me I need to get a new toilet throne!  Who wants to get us one?  

People may be wondering how I am training these Ladies and one thing that I feel is important about their training and for anyone I choose to train is that they figure out their own style, we are all different as Dominants and I feel it is important for Me to help them find themselves while making sure they understand the safe and proper way to use the "tools of a Dominant" and the equipment; there is a right and wrong way to do things and some scenes may seem simple, but if done wrong can be damaging.  

The BEST way for these Ladies to learn is when they watch Me conduct a session or when I join them for a session or even better when someone books a duo or even a trio session.  So for those curious, don't be too chicken to be under our control you are going to love it, trust Me.  

With that said training is going well and we are Women who really enjoy playing and are surprisingly compatible in session and that is the most important.  

On your Knees!  
Mistress Tiffany