Sunday, September 14, 2014

Is it just a fantasy?

Clear your mind. . .
Seriously clear your mind and imagine. . .

you arrive to meet Her for the first time, you have seen Her photos you have read about Her and now you're standing on Her door step, you see the doorbell wondering how things are going to be for the next two hours after you ring that doorbell, after all She did make a promise that you will NEVER forget Her after you meet that She will always be engrained into your mind, what did She mean when she said that?  You feel fear, excitement, arousal and nervousness, you never knew that meeting someone could stir so many different emotions at once.  But you finally do it, it's like ripping a bandaid off fast just do it ring the doorbell, so you do it.

you find yourself standing there for what seems like forever but is only a few seconds before you hear the latch on the door, you see her head pop out from behind the door as the rest of her is standing behind the door, it is hard to see her quite clearly between the bright sun outside and the darkness inside, you can see familiar features that you saw in her photos and then you see her smile and tell you to come in.  As you step inside your eyes focus from the change of lighting and you now can clearly see Her stunning face, Her red lips and those eyes that mesmerized you from Her photos, then you notice why She was standing behind her door, She was dressed in a short leather skirt, stockings, open toe high heels, a sexy red bra and corset, it's obvious She did not want to flaunt Her seductive attire to any possible neighbors.

She then asks you to follow her down a short set of stairs bringing you down a dimly lit hallway, She shows you where the restroom facilities are and then opens the door next to it, you slowly walk in behind Her and hear soft music, but you can not quite recognize the genre; but then again the music is the least of your thoughts at this time, you notice a large bed adorned with pillows and clean linens and as you look a little closer you see that the bed has been slightly modified, but you're not quite sure how.  you continue to follow Her into the room and you notice the space is small, quaint, but quite equipped, almost overwhelming and it makes you wonder if She could possibly use everything She has on you and how She would use them.

She then sits on a fainting sofa and invites you to kneel in front of her, you promptly kneel and She then grabs you by the top of your slacks and belt pulling you towards Her, telling you to come closer, so you inch your way towards Her and She continues to pull you more "closer slave" She says to you in a very sultry voice.  Finally you find yourself pressed against Her crossed legs and She leans into you rubbing your chest, through your shirt, She then asks you a few questions and insists on getting the formalities out of the way, She asks what it is that you desire to serve Her, you find yourself out of breath as you notice Her lovely fragrance it is subtle, seductive yet Feminine and you you take a moment to remind yourself to speak and you find yourself commenting with "anything that pleases you Mistress".  You then notice Her crack a smile, it is almost mischievous and She approves of your answer but reminds you that She is aware of your boundaries and that you need to know She does not plan on crossing them and assures you that you are safe.

She then asks you to stand as She stands, and She asks you to take your shoes off, so you slide your shoes off and Mistress then takes them and sets them to the side, you notice She stopped giving commands at this point and then She starts to circle you like a shark would circle it's pray, you find your heart is racing as She is circling around you She is running her hands and nails over your clothed body, your cock starts to stir and you find yourself feeling flushed and embarrassed at your erection.  you do your best to attempt to hide it by pulling your hips in and then before you know it She is standing in front of you unbuttoning your shirt, your heart is racing more, your cock is getting harder and as She unbuttons the last button She slowly slides your shirt off while running her hands down your arms and back, Her touch gives you goosebumps.  She then sits back down  and grabs you again by the top of your pants and belt and pulls you closer to you again but more aggressively and you find yourself becoming more flush, trying to control your erection, telling yourself to get it down before She sees it and then She in an instant unbuckles your belt and in one pull yanks your belt out from your pants and belt loops, you begin to feel even more vulnerable and yet still extremely aroused no matter how much you tell yourself to calm down.  She then progresses by unbuttoning your pants and slowly pulls them down to your ankles and then she notices the bulge in your underwear and grins.  "Well what do we have here" and in one quick pull She yanks your underwear down to your ankles and looks up and smiles even bigger and nods in approval.  And then looks at you and says "Oh the fun I am going to have with you".

It is our imagination, creativity and minds that truly stimulate us and keep us on edge with-out that you have no true release or satisfaction.

Mistress Tiffany