Monday, July 22, 2013

Video blog on how to make an appointment with a Professional Dominatrix.

I did this video blog for My Fet Life Profile over 6 months ago.  Enjoy and I hope you find My advice helpful.

Monday, July 8, 2013

To Serve Me.

If he cares for Me , he will serve Me 
If he cherishes Me he will respect Me 
He is selfless and will adore Me. 
His mind is not about his desires, only My pleasure motivates him 
Only My laughter and smile bring him happiness 
Only My commands he can hear 
To fail Me is his only fear. 

Mistress Tiffany 

(c) Mistress Tiffany 

Monday, July 1, 2013

My style of Domination.

My style of Domination. 

I had someone ask My recently what My style of Domination was and of course I was actually able to give a quick answer to that. 

Now although I was to answer rather quickly with-out much thought that does not make My answer a simple one. 

For Me Domination is personal, and sensual but it is a huge responsibility being a Dominatrix and I take that seriously. 

So My short answer.  I am a sensual, playful yet strict Dominant, almost in that order if I were to put those specific traits in order. 

A little more detail of who I am as I describe Myself and from what others say I am almost a walking contradiction.  Those who have met Me will tell you I do not fit the mold of the “A-Typical” Dominant. 
I am caring, nurturing, selfish, giving, cruel, beautiful, romantic, passionate, confident, insecure, harsh, soft and admired for the ability to balance the multiple facets in My life. 

My style depends on My partner.  I literally can take someone's fantasy and make it My own. 
I have always been the type of person to fulfill My own Fantasies and I love to help others explore their fantasies in a safe, sane and consensual manner. 

Being a Sensual Dominant is naturally who I am, now this does not always mean sexual, but I find touch to be important, I love to touch and be touched (with My permission of course) and I love the sensuality of being a Woman, I love a passionate Domination/Fetish session and it is important for Me to be as stimulated as you are about our encounter together. 

I am described as being playful by many, I love to be spontaneous and am not the type of person to plan My sessions out step by step, I can't go down a check list, It goes with being sensual and passionate, I find most things in life to be fun when they are spontaneous and playful.  I love to laugh and simply have a good time in My sessions as well as teasing My submissives.  

Although I am sensual and playful I am also a strict Dominant, I have expectations of My submissives (I will tell you My expectations when we meet of course) and I have rules, a good Dominant needs to be able to maintain control of her submissives and toys. 

Being strict may seem to contradict My other aspects but trust Me they all meld together well and make Me the unique Dominant experience I am.  

your Superior,  
Mistress Tiffany